Thursday, 17 February 2011

Second Exhibition

The second protest was stronger than the first which is what we predicted anyway, as we learnt to shout louder, spread out more and protest more unusual things. Also what helped was that our lecturer, Dinu, came with us this time and showed us to perhaps pick certain people to ask, who actually have a cause that they would like us to protest. For instance, we got talking to a lady in a wheel chair and we protested for her 'Up with ramps, down with steps!'.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

First Exhibiton

Our first exhibition went really well. Firstly, there was a good turn out of people, which is what we wanted and which is what would make the exhibition successful!

Firstly, Sophia and I went and started chatting to some of the general public and to be honest at first, it was hard to pose a question to them of what we wanted without sounding too abrupt and therefore them not wanting to reveal anything. However, we got some good shots and one in particular was good becuase the man we asked had a sense of humour. 

Considering that this was one of the first we asked, we got a brilliant response. Exactly the kind of unusual and even pointless flash mob protest we are looking for.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Finding inspiration for where to exhibit

Today we went into Chester city centre to find inspiration for places to exhibit. As we had already mentioned to Dinu, our lecturer, that we had the idea of perhaps doing a flash mob, he then decided we should all practice there and then how to do one. Firstly, we had to lye on the floor of an indoor shopping centre and secondly, we had to perform a fake argument. This was brilliant to do and to practice, as it made me realise how easy it was and if your collaborative group are all joining in too, then your confidence is up and you don't even seem to worry. This definitely got me excited for working with a bigger group and doing something so diverse as this!